V. Bajaj, P. Ramantanis, F. Boitier, P. Layec, “Linear and Nonlinear SNR Estimation using Spectral and Temporal Correlations”, presented at the 28th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM), 2024.

E. Seve, S. Bigo, P. Layec: “Identification of optical links with heterogenous fiber types in a production network”, presented at the Optical Fiber Conference OFC, W3C4, San Diego, March 2024

C. Delezoide, H. Akbari, P. Ramantanis, F. Boitier and P. Layec, “On the detection, modeling, and mitigation of anomalous QoT fluctuations in optical networks,” in Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. B35-B44, May 2024, doi: 10.1364/JOCN.514779.

K. Abdelli, M. Lonardi, J. Gripp, S. Olsson, F. Boitier, P. Layec, “Risky event classification leveraging transfer learning for very limited dataset in optical networks,” accepted in JOCN

Filippos Christou, “Availability estimation of optical network links using a Bayesian model,” J. Opt. Commun. Netw. 16, B1-B15 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1364/JOCN.510726

Ijaz Ahmad et al. Communications Security in Industry X: A Survey. To appear in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2024.

Ijaz Ahmad et al. Communications Security in Industry X: A Survey. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2024.  https://doi.org/10.1109/OJCOMS.2024.3356076

Jani Suomalainen, Kimmo Ahola, Mirko Sailio, Gabor Kiss, Gabor Megyaszai, Rizwan Asif, Petri Jehkonen, Jonathan Rivalan. Tactical Orchestration – Network, Security, and Drone Intelligence for Mission-Critical Operations. To appear in EuCNC 2024.

Varghese, A., Heikkinen, A., Mähönen, P., Ojanperä, T., & Ahmad, I. (2024). Predictive QoS for Cellular-Connected UAV Communications. Accepted in IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2024)

S. P. Sanon, R. Reddy, C. Lipps and H. D. Schotten, “DDoS Attacks in Communication: Analysis and Mitigation of Unreliable Clients in Federated Learning,” IEEE Consumer Communication & Networking Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2024

Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Lin Huang, Peng; Prado, Anna; Mas-Machuca, Carmen: Network Planning for the Future Railway Communications. 27th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN), 2024.

Janardhanan, Shakthivelu; Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Doğan, Elif; Mas-Machuca, Carmen: Robustness analysis for cost-efficient future railway communications. IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking, 2024.

A. Kiggundu, I. Alzalam, M. Zentarra and H. D. Schotten, “A simulation framework for mobility use case oriented RAN dataset generation”, accepted for 28th Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation, Osnabrück, Germany, 2024.

I. Alzalam, R. Reddy, C. Lipps and H. D. Schotten, “5G Network Traffic Forecast Interface (5G-NTFI): An Open Source Framework Design for Reproducibility and Replicability”, submitted to Seventh International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom24), Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Röckl, N. Bernsdorf, T. Müller: “TeeFilter: High-Assurance Network Filtering Engine for High-End IoT and Edge Devices based on TEEs”, in: ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS ’24)

Eichler, J. Röckl, R. Schlenk, T. Müller, T. Hönig: “Profiling with trust: system monitoring from trusted execution environments”, in: Design Automation For Embedded Systems (2024)


C. Delezoide, P. Ramantanis and P. Layec, “Streamlined Failure Localization Method and Application to Network Health Monitoring,” in Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 41, no. 19, pp. 6119-6125, 1 Oct.1, 2023, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2023.3282447.

C. Delezoide, H. Akbari, P. Ramantanis, F. Boitier and P. Layec, “Automated Mitigation of Quality of Transmission Fluctuations Induced by PDL Anomalies,” 2023 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Coimbra, Portugal, 2023.

K. Abdelli, M. Lonardi, F. Boitier, P. Layec, “Breaking Boundaries: Harnessing Unrelated Image Data for Robust Risky Event Classification with scarce State of Polarization Data,” ECOC 2023

Jani Suomalainen, et al. Intelligent solutions bring automation and cyber resilience for critical network applications. November 13 2023. https://www.vttresearch.com/en/news-and-ideas/intelligent-solutions-bring-automation-and-cyber-resilience-critical-network.

J. Rabenstein, D. Nguyen, O. Giersch, C. Eichler, T. Hönig, J. Nolte, W. Schröder-Preikschat: “Back to the Core-Memory Age: Running Operating Systems in NVRAM only”, Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS’23) Springer 2023

S. Köhler, B. Herzog, H. Hofmeier, M. Vögele, L. Wenzel, A. Polze, T. Hönig: „Carbon-Aware Memory Placement” in: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems (HotCarbon’23) ACM 2023

A. Schmidt, L. Gerhorst, K. Vogelgesang, T. Hönig: „ ResourceGauge: Enabling Resource-Aware Software Components” in: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT’23) 2023.

A. Schmidt, G. Stock, R. Ohs, L. Gerhorst, B. Herzog, T. Hönig: “Carbond: An Operating-System Daemon for Carbon Awareness” in: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems (HotCarbon’23) ACM 2023

Ijaz Ahmad, Andrea Gentili, Rupender Singh, Juhani Ahonen, Jani Suomalainen, Seppo Horsmanheimo, Heikki Keränen, Erkki Harjula. Edge Computing for Critical Environments: Vision and Existing Solutions. ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU J-FET), vol. 4, issue 4, December 2023. https://doi.org/10.52953/VIBQ8773

Heli Kokkoniemi-Tarkkanen, Kimmo Ahola, Jani Suomalainen, Marko Höyhtyä, Markus Säynevirta, Atte Kivistö. Mission-critical connectivity over LEO satellites: Performance measurements using OneWeb system. In review process (recommended publication, after minor revisions) IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine.

Jani Suomalainen, Ijaz Ahmad, Annette Shajan, Tapio Savunen. Security for Tactical 6G Networks: Threats, Architecture, and Intelligence. In review process (minor revisions) to Future Generation Computer Systems.

R. Singh, I. Ahmad and J. Huusko, “On Secrecy Performance of Mixed THz-FSO Relaying System,” 2023 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), Munich, Germany, 2023, pp. 271-277, doi: 10.1109/CSCN60443.2023.10453126.

F. Christou, “Availability Estimation of Optical Network Links Using Multilevel Bayesian Modeling,” 2023 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Coimbra, Portugal, 2023.

F. Christou and A. Kirstaedter, “Grooming Connectivity Intents in IP-Optical Networks Using Directed Acyclic Graphs,” Photonic Networks; 24th ITG-Symposium, Berlin, 2023, pp. 1-4.

F. Christou and A. Kirstädter, “Using Intent Directed Acyclic Graphs in Multi-Domain IP-Optical Networks,” 2023 33rd International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2023, pp. 176-179, doi: 10.1109/ITNAC59571.2023.10368533. (Best short paper award)

S. P. Sanon, R. Reddy, C. Lipps and H. D. Schotten, “DDoS Attacks in Communication: Analysis and Mitigation of Unreliable Clients in Federated Learning,” IEEE Consumer Communication & Networking Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2024

L. Tomczyk, É. Awwad, P. Ramantanis, C. Ware, “Relaxing dispersion pre-distortion constraints of receiver-based power profile estimators”, submitted for presentation at IEEE OECC 2023.

A. Witt, Ch. Körber, “Network Control with Quantum Computing”, 6G-Conference, Berlin, June 27-29, 2023.

A. Witt, Ch. Körber, A. Kirstädter, Th. Luu, “Tactile Network Resource Allocation enabled by Quantum Annealing based on ILP Modeling”, proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Bellevue, WA, USA, 17-22 September 2023.

Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Lin Huang, Peng; Prado, Anna; Mas-Machuca, Carmen: Network Planning for the Future Railway Communications. 27th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN), 2024.

Janardhanan, Shakthivelu; Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Doğan, Elif; Mas-Machuca, Carmen: Robustness analysis for cost-efficient future railway communications. IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking, 2024.

Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Roßmeier, Justus; Wosinska, Lena; Mas-Machuca, Carmen: Post-Quantum Cryptography Based Secure Mutual Authentication Mechanism for TDM-PONs. IEEE Future Networks World Forum, 2023.

I. Alzalam, R. Reddy, S. P. Sanon, C. Lipps and H. D. Schotten, „Demonstration of Real-Time Traffic Forecast on a Live 5G Testbed“, IEEE Future Networks WorldForum (FNWF’23), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2023.

R. Reddy, A. Kumar, C. Lipps and H. D. Schotten, „5G Testbed as a Service (5GTaaS): An Open Source Implementation for Networks of the Future.“, IEEE Future Networks WorldForum (FNWF’23), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2023

M. Säynevirta. “Securing Uplink against Airborne Adversaries: A Security Analysis in Non-Geostationary Satellite Systems” M. Sc. thesis, School of Elect. Eng. Aalto Univ. Espoo, Finland, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:aalto-202401282132

Singh, I. Ahmad and J. Huusko, “Mixed RF-VLC Relaying Systems for High-Speed Rail Communication,” in IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1-12, Oct. 2023, Art no. 7303812, doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2023.3303362.

Ijaz Ahmad, Jere Malinen, Filippos Christou, Pawani Porambage, Andreas Kirstaedter, Jani Suomalainen. Security in Intent-Based Networking: Challenges and Solutions. IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN 2023). Munich, Germany, November 6-8 2023.

Jonas Röckl, Adam Wagenhäuser, and Tilo Müller. 2023. Veto: Prohibit Outdated Edge System Software from Booting. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP ’23). SciTePress, pages 46-57. https://doi.org/10.5220/0011627700003405

Jani Suomalainen, Ijaz Ahmad. Cybersecurity for Machines in Satellite-Terrestrial Networks. Book chapter in Integrating Machine-type-Communication (MTC) and Satellites for IoT: Towards 6G, Wiley. To appear in 2023.

N. Papakonstantinou, D. L. V. Bossuyt, B. Hale, R. Arlitt, J. Salonen, and J. Suomalainen, CyberRiskDELPHI: towards objective cyber risk assessment for complex systems. To appear in International Design Engineering Technical Conferences / Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2023), 2023.

Filippos Christou: MINDFul.jl: A Framework for Intent-driven Multi-Domain Network coordination. Presented in JuliaCon 2023 (submitted to the proceedings), Cambridge MIT, July 2023, pp. 1-2.

N. Papakonstantinou. Cybersecurity Risk Identification and Scoring (CRIS) for risk assessment of critical systems. Presentation in European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS). Athens, 22-23 June 2023.

R. Singh, I. Ahmad, J. Huusko. The Role of Physical Layer Security in Satellite-Based Networks. EuCNC, Gothenburg, 6-9 June 2023.

I. Ahmad, F. Rodriguez, J. Huusko, K. Seppänen, On the Dependability of 6G Networks. Electronics, MDPI, 2023.

P. Puhakainen.  Cybersecurity in tactical bubbles. Presentation in Critical Communication World (CCW), Helsinki, 24 May 2023.

Christou, F.: Availability Estimation of Optical Network Links Using Multilevel Bayesian Modeling. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Coimbra, May 2023, pp. 51-56

Filippos Christou, Andreas Kirstädter: Grooming Connectivity Intents in IP-Optical Networks Using Directed Acyclic Graphs. Proceedings of the 24rd ITG-Symposium in Photonic Networks 2023, Leipzig, May 2023, pp. 1-4.

Konstantinos Christodoulopoulos, Sarvesh Bidkar, Thomas Pfeiffer, René Bonk, “Deterministically Scheduled PON for Industrial Applications”, OFC 2023, San Diego, paper Tu3F.5

  Jochen Maes, Sarvesh Bidkar, Michael Straub, Thomas Pfeiffer, René Bonk, “Efficient Transport of eCPRI Fronthaul over PON”, OFC 2023, San Diego, paper W4F.5

Lauinger, F. Buchali and L. Schmalen, “Improving the bootstrap of blind equalizers with variational autoencoders,” OFC 2023,  San Diego, CA, USA

M. Bansbach, A. von Bank and L. Schmalen, “Spiking neural network decision feedback equalization,” Proc. Int. ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas and Conf. on Systems, Communications, and Coding (WSA-SCC), Braunschweig, Germany, Feb. 2023

R. Nägele, J. Finkbeiner, V. Stadtlander, M. Grözing, and M. Berroth, “Analog Multiply-Accumulate Cell with Multi-Bit Resolution for All-Analog AI Inference Accelerators,” submitted to IEEE TCAS-I for review, accepted for publication, 2023.

Arthur Witt; Christopher Körber; Andreas Kirstädter; Thomas Luu.
“Tactile Network Resource Allocation enabled by Quantum Annealing based on ILP Modeling”,
International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks-(DRCN) 2023 [arXiv:2212.07854v1], Dec. 2022.

V. Lauinger, F. Buchali and L. Schmalen, “Improving the bootstrap of blind equalizers with variational autoencoders,” Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, Mar. 2023, [https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.06576]

E.-M. Bansbach, A. von Bank and L. Schmalen, “Spiking neural network decision feedback equalization,” Proc. Int. ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas and Conf. on Systems, Communications, and Coding (WSA-SCC), Braunschweig, Germany, Feb. 2023, [https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.04756]


Felix Dreissig, Jonas Röckl, and Tilo Müller. 2022. Compiler-Aided Development of Trusted Enclaves with Rust. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 18, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1145/3538969.3538972

C. Delezoide, P. Ramantanis and P. Layec, “Investigating Q-drops and Their Probable Causes,” 2022 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Basel, Switzerland, 2022.

Benedikt Jung; Christian Eichler; Jonas Röckl; Ralph Schlenk; Timo Hönig; Tilo Müller, ” Trusted Monitor: TEE-Based System Monitoring”, 2022 XII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC), https://doi.org/10.1109/SBESC56799.2022.9964869

Benedict Herzog; Stefan Reif; Fabian Hügel; Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat; Timo Hönig, ” Bears: Building Energy-Aware Reconfigurable Systems”, 2022 XII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC), https://doi.org/10.1109/SBESC56799.2022.9964629

Benedict Herzog, Stefan Reif, Judith Hemp, Timo Hönig, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, ”Resource-demand Estimation for Edge Tensor Processing Units”, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Volume 21, Issue 5, pp 1-24, https://doi.org/10.1145/3520132

Filippos Christou, Tobias Enderle and Arthur Witt, “Towards a Hybrid Architecture by Introducing Coherent Pluggable Transceivers in IP-Optical Core Networks with Optical Cross-Connects,” Photonic Networks; 23th ITG-Symposium, Berlin, Germany, 2022, pp. 1-8.

F. Christou, “Decentralized Intent-driven Coordination of Multi-Domain IP-Optical Networks,” 2022 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2022, pp. 359-363, https://doi.org/10.23919/CNSM55787.2022.9964606

Enderle, T.
Protected Connection Provisioning with Low Availability Overfulfillment in Meshed Core Networks Proceedings of the 23rd ITG-Symposium in Photonic Networks 2022, Berlin, May 2022, pp. 6-13

Arthur Witt; Christopher Körber; Andreas Kirstädter; Thomas Luu.
“Application of Quantum Annealer as ILP-solver for the Optimization of Resource Allocation in IP-optical Long-haul Networks”. 11th NIC Symposium, Jülich, September 2022.

C. B. Serna and C. Mas-Machuca, “Preventing Control Plane Overload in SDN Networks with Programmable Data Planes,” 2022 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2022, pp. 37-45, doi: https://doi.org/10.23919/CNSM55787.2022.9964491

Ijaz Ahmad, Jani Suomalainen, Pawani Porambage, Andrei Gurtov, Jyrki Huusko, Marko Höyhtyä. Security of Satellite-Terrestrial Communications: Challenges and Potential Solutions. IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 96038-96052, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3205426

Jani Suomalainen, Jukka Julku, Antti Heikkinen, Seppo J. Rantala, Anastasia Yastrebova. Security-Driven Prioritization for Tactical Mobile Networks. Journal of Information Security and Applications, vol. 67, 2022. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jisa.2022.103198

(invited) Thomas Pfeiffer (Kostas Christodoulopoulos, Sarvesh Bidkar, René Bonk, Denis Wohlfeld), “Fixed/wireless heterogeneous network solutions for future industrial services”, ONDM 2022 (Warsaw), May 18, 2022, session We2 (Techno-economics in access network)

Thomas Pfeiffer, René Bonk, “Zeitkritische Services in öffentlichen und nicht-öffentlichen Netzen”, ITG Fachtagung “Breitbandversorgung in Deutschland”, Berlin 2022, ITG-Fachbericht 306 (eBook) p.25

Sarvesh Bidkar, Konstas Christodoulopoulos, Thomas Pfeiffer, René Bonk, “Evaluating Bandwidth Efficiency and Latency of Scheduling Schemes for 5G Fronthaul over TDM-PON”, ECOC 2022, Basel, September 2022, paper Mo3C.2

(invited Tutorial) Thomas Pfeiffer, Pascal Dom, Sarvesh Bidkar, Francois Fredricx, Constantinos Christodoulopoulos, René Bonk, “PON going beyond FTTH”, IEEE Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, (14), 2022, p. A31 – A40 ;  doi.org/10.1364/JOCN.439241

Thomas Pfeiffer, “Optical systems and technologies for convergence with 5G/6G mobile”, Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg 2022, Workshop “Smart Photonic Technologies and Networks for Smart Cities”, Berlin 6.10.2022

Tobias Enderle, “Protected Connection Provisioning with Low Availability Overfulfillment in Meshed Core Networks”, accepted to 23. ITG-Fachtagung ‘Photonische Netze’ Conference, Berlin, 2022.

R. Bonk, Th. Pfeiffer, “New use-cases for PONs beyond residential services”, OFC 2022, San Diego, paper Tu2G.1

K. Christodoulopoulos, S. Bidkar, W. Lautenschläger, Th. Pfeiffer, R. Bonk, “Demonstration of Industrial-grade Passive Optical Network”, OFC 2022, San Diego, paper Tu2G.6

K. Christodoulopoulos, S. Bidkar, Th. Pfeiffer, R. Bonk, “Proof-of-Concept Demonstration of Time Critical Periodic Traffic in Industry-grade Passive Optical Networks”, OFC 2022, San Diego, Demo Zone, paper M3Z.4

R. Nägele, J. Finkbeiner, M. Grözing and M. Berroth, “Design of an Energy Efficient Analog Two-Quadrant Multiplier Cell Operating in Weak Inversion,” 2022 20th IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS), 2022, pp. 5-9, https://doi.org/10.1109/NEWCAS52662.2022.9842251.

J. Finkbeiner, R. Nägele, M. Grözing and M. Berroth, “Design of an Energy Efficient Voltage-to-Time Converter with Rectified Linear Unit Characteristics for Artificial Neural Networks,” 2022 20th IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS), 2022, pp. 327-331, https://doi.org/10.1109/NEWCAS52662.2022.9842074.

V. Lauinger, M. Hoffmann, J. Ney, N. Wehn and L. Schmalen, “Blind and channel-agnostic equalization using adversarial networks,” Proc. IEEE Global Commun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 2022, available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.07277

V. Lauinger, F. Buchali and L. Schmalen, “Blind equalization and channel estimation in coherent optical communications using variational autoencoders,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 2529-2539, Sep. 2022, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9831780


Jonas Röckl, Mykolai Protsenko, Monika Huber, Tilo Müller, and Felix C. Freiling. 2021. Advanced System Resiliency Based on Virtualization Techniques for IoT Devices. In Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pages 455–467. https://doi.org/10.1145/3485832.3485836

Thomas Pfeiffer, Konstantinos Christodoulopoulos, René Bonk, “Industrial grade Passive Optical LAN”, BWcon Hightech Summit, Stuttgart, 19.10.2021

Tobias Enderle and Andreas Kirstädter, “Reducing Network Operators’ Expenses by Adjusting the MTTR”, 2021 31st International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC), 2021, pp. 134-139, doi: 10.1109/ITNAC53136.2021.9652138.

Amjad, Saquib; Varasteh, Amir; Deric, Nemanja; Mas Machuca, Carmen: Delay-Aware Dynamic Hypervisor Placement and Reconfiguration in Virtualized SDN. 12th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF), 2021

Deric, Nemanja; Varasteh, Amir; Van-Bemten, Amaury; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Towards Understanding the Performance of Traffic Policing in Programmable Hardware Switches. IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 2021 – Varasteh, Amir; Kireet Patri, Sai; Autenrieth, Achim; Mas-Machuca, Carmen: Evaluation of Lightpath Deployment Strategies in Flexible-Grid Optical Networks. 25th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM), 2021

Herzog, Benedict; Reif, Stefan; Preis, Julian; Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgang; Hönig, Timo Proceedings of the 14th European Workshop on Systems Security (EuroSec’21) “The Price of Meltdown and Spectre: Energy Overhead of Mitigations at Operating System Level.”

Herzog, Benedict; Hügel, Fabian; Reif, Stefan; Hönig, Timo; Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgan Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Energy-Efficient Learning at the Edge (WEEE’21) “Automated Selection of Energy-efficient Operating System Configurations.”

Gerhorst, Luis; Herzog, Benedict; Reif, Stefan; Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgang; Hönig, Timo Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS’21) “AnyCall: Fast and Flexible System-Call Aggregation.

Eichler, Christian; Hofmeier Henriette; Reif, Stefan; Hönig, Timo; Nolte, Jörg; Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgang Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys’21) “Neverlast: An NVM-centric Operating System for Persistent Edge Systems”

Herzog, Benedict; Reif, Stefan; Hügel, Fabian; Hönig, Timo; Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgang Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy’21) “Towards Automated System-Level Energy-Efficiency Optimisation using Machine Learning.”

Reif, Stefan; Herzog, Benedict; Hemp, Judith; Hönig, Timo; Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgang Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Future Energy  Systems (e-Energy’21) “Poster: AI Waste Prevention: Time and Power Estimation for Edge Tensor Processing Units.”

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